
Here we describe the various types of cookies and technologies used as set forth in the General Provision of the Garante Privacy dated May 2014, “Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies – 8th May 2014 (Published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale no. 126 dated 3rd June 2014” which may be consulted on the website, to describe configuration methods and their conditions of use.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that visited websites send to the user’s web-enabled device (usually a browser). They are stored in the corresponding browser folder while the user visits a website, in order to be retransmitted to those sites when the user next visits.

They are used for the purpose of improving browsing, saving previously entered user preferences (username, passwords and the like), marking up user tastes and preferences and enabling management of targeted marketing initiatives or fulfilment of services connected to the Data Controller’s activity such as newsletters and website service communications, etc.
Any limitations set on use of cookies will affect the usability of content when viewing the website. The user can always preventively block or remove cookies from the browser cache, but this may cause incomplete use of the services offered by the web application.

Types of cookies

Session cookies are temporary files, which exist only for the duration of the user’s browsing session. Session cookies are erased when the browser is closed.
They are generally used to identify users when they access a website, in order to remember the user and their preferences moving between the site pages, and to provide the site with specific information collected previously. The most common example of this is the “virtual shopping basket” function on an e-commerce website. When visiting a page of a catalogue and selecting certain lines, session cookies remember those selections so that the elements remain selected in a virtual shopping basket when you are ready to checkout. Without session cookies, if the user were to click on checkout, the new page would be unable to recognise past actions in previous pages and the shopping basket would remain empty.

Persistent cookies are files that remain active even after the browser is closed and help sites remember user data and settings for subsequent consultation. This allows faster, more convenient access in terms of time since it is not necessary to log in once again. Besides authentication, other website functions are enabled, including language selection, subject selection, menu preferences, bookmarks or favourites, and many others. Preferences expressed during one visit will be remembered via use of persistent cookies for the next visit.

Third party cookies

There are various types of cookies, some of which are defined as third party cookies. They are used, for example, by the site that the user visited first and which contains adverts from another web server or third party website. The browser collects information from different sources so that all the elements are displayed on the page consulted by the user, thus creating more cookies in the corresponding browser folder.

All these cookies can be removed directly by browser settings or using dedicated free programs. It is furthermore possible to preventively block their creation, but in this case some website services may not function as expected or may become inaccessible.

Privacy and security of cookies

Cookies are not viruses. They are text files that are neither read by the browser nor executed in the memory. Consequently, they cannot be duplicated or spread into other networks to be replicated again. Since they can do neither of these things, they do not fall within the standard definition of a virus.
Cookies can however be used for damaging purposes. From the moment that cookies are used in memorizing information on user preferences, browsing history and specific browsing between sites, they can be used as a kind of spyware.
Many anti-spyware products flag up cookies as possible threats for this purpose.

In line with standard website practices, the website may install anonymously created third party technical or Analytics cookies on the user’s computer (or smartphone or tablet). By using the website, the user accepts the technology used by these sites, although the user is also allowed to make choices by personalising their browser (in the privacy/settings panel).

Type of cookies and choice of use and activation method

Technical cookies.

Some cookies are indispensable for our website to function correctly. Without them the user may not be able to browse within the site and use some of its functions. Cookies of this type are technical, or session or permanent cookies, and allow the information supplied by the user to be memorised from one page to the next during the booking process. Since these cookies are essential, disabling them may limit access to website content making it impossible to view or seriously limiting view of content.

These cookies do not collect information which allows a visitor to be identified, unless the user registers on the website and then browses to a reserved area via login.

Analytics cookies:

We use anonymously created third party Analytics cookies to analyse how visitors use our site and to monitor their access to it. This allows us to offer a higher quality experience, personalising our offers on the basis of the pages that users actually visit.

For example, we use this kind of cookie to map the most popular pages, identify the most effective method of linking pages and establish the causes of certain pages receiving error messages. These cookies do not collect information that allows a visitor to be identified.

Google Analytics is a service offered by Google Inc. which generates detailed statistics on website traffic and the sources of the traffic. Google Analytics can monitor visitors arriving from all links outside the website, including search engines, social networks, direct hits and reference sites. It also displays advertising, pay per click, email marketing, and links embedded in PDF documents.
See the notice:

Download an application to manage information sent to Google anonymously during browsing (on all websites that uses Google Analytics):
Google Analytics with anonymous IP is a web analytics services supplied by Google Inc. (“Google”). All data collected and shared with Google Inc. are rendered anonymous (by eliminating significant components of both IpV5 and IpV6 IP addresses) and are used only to improve our website function. In accordance with regulations, third party anonymous Analytics cookies are the same as technical cookies and do not require informative banners, informed consent and notification of the Garante Privacy.

Personal data collected: Anonymous website use data.